Thursday, July 9, 2020

The Way of Perfection, Book Study. Introduction


Take time to listen to: Introduction – The Way of Perfection by St. Teresa of Avila – Beginning to Pray w/Dr. Anthony Lilles

Make sure you check this page: The Way of Perfection for other useful links.

For general instructions about this book study see the first post here:

The Way of Perfection, Book study (Instructions)

What are you thoughts?

Was Anthony Lilles's podcast helpful? What caught your attention?

Please post your questions and/or insights and let the conversation begin.


  1. Chapter two verse five caught my attention where it speaks of poverty of spirit, I did not understand that virtue well, after study this chapter finally understood what is poverty of spirit. The study of this book is very good and understandable.!!!

  2. So glad this book is helping you understand better poverty of spirit. Keep posting Luz, I am very happy to see you participate.

  3. Dr. Lilles comment to read St Teresa texts as a friend was a different way for me to read text. She is sharing her p
    She is sharing her experience friend to friend of how to progress in the path of prayer toward union with God.
    Her love of Jesus shines through the words.
